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Healthy Halloween Treats and Spooky Eats
Halloween is a difficult time of year for those attempting to lose or maintain their weight. During the month of October, specifically Halloween, the tempting treats are out in full force, from bite-sized candy bars, to caramel apples and seasonal indulgences.
This year, rethink your Halloween treats. Avoiding temptation can be as simple as ensuring you have your own healthy treats on hand when cravings arise. Rework your favorite Halloween treats and whether you’re entertaining or giving out treats, everyone will benefit from less sugar and more healthy options this Halloween. Here are 7 ideas for healthy Halloween treats with less sugar and more nutrients.
Thermo-Snacks Fun-Sized Candy Bars
Everyone loves a frozen candy bar, but they are packed with sugar and fat! Instead, take your favorite Thermo-Snacks® bars, cut them up in bite-sized pieces, cover in plain Greek yogurt flavored with vanilla extract and toss them in the freezer. Peppermint Cocoa Crunch, Marshmallow Brownie and Peanut Butter Crunch are all great choices for this fun frozen treats! You can even use food coloring for the yogurt for an extra-festive look!
Package Your Own Trail Mix
Make your own healthy trail mix with Chocolate Caramel Granola or Chocolate Soy Puffs Thermo-Snacks®. Place small servings in themed snack-size plastic bags and either give them out or enjoy them when you need a healthy snack!
Snack-o-Lantern Fruit Cups
These seasonal treats are healthy and fun for the whole family! Peel oranges, careful to keep the skin intact and fill with healthy fruits such as grapes, melon, strawberries, blueberries and more. You can draw your favorite jack-o-lantern look on the outside of the peel for a spooky treat!
Cups of Dirt
Prepare 2-3 packages of Dark Chocolate Pudding Thermo-Snacks® as directed and refrigerate for an hour. Divide pudding mixture into individual snack cups. Add crushed Chocolate Crunch Soy Puffs or chopped Brownie Delite Bar to cups. Garnish with a piece of candy corn or a plastic spider!
Clementine Pumpkins
These delicious snacks are also easy to make! Peel as many clementine oranges as servings you would like. Chop celery in 2-3-inch stalks. Stick celery into the middle of the orange and watch as the orange transforms into a tiny pumpkin! This ultra-healthy treat is fun and festive.
Candy Corn Parfaits
In clear bowls or glasses, add a bottom layer of chopped pineapple. Next, add a layer of small orange pieces. Finally, top with plain Greek yogurt flavored with vanilla. From the side, the parfait looks just like your favorite candy-corn treat!
Candy Corn Veggie Platter
Another healthy arrangement in the form of candy corn is this delicious veggie platter idea. On an oval or egg-shaped platter, add chopped yellow peppers at the bottom, next add carrots and leave the top section for cauliflower. Make a healthier ranch dip with Greek yogurt and spices. With an arrangement this cute, your kids may forget they’re eating vegetables!
These spooky treats are healthy, fun and won’t derail your weight-loss efforts, even during Halloween! Whether you’re serving them to the family or entertaining guests for a themed costume party, these goodies are sure to impress!