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Tips for Finding Freedom in Your Weight-Loss Routine
You’ve got the meal plan, you’ve got the workouts and you have your routine memorized. Now comes the tricky part: sticking to it.
Once the initial excitement has worn off and life’s other priorities and responsibilities intervene, it can be difficult to maintain motivation and discipline over the long haul. That’s why finding freedom for unexpected turns and roadblocks in your health routine is so important.
Have a Backup Plan
The problem with even the best plan is that life isn’t routine. A work trip, illness or a family emergency can all throw your great routine right out the window. Sometimes the best plan is to have a backup plan.
If you have to take a business trip, look to see if there’s a gym in the hotel, or an affiliated fitness center nearby. Check out the area restaurants ahead of time and find options that fit your meal plan. Pack a few Thermo-Snacks® in your carry on so you have an option for healthy snacking during a delay or long flight. Thermo-Meals also make great grab-and-go meals when breakfast or lunch just isn’t an option.
Have extra water on hand when traveling, and on busy workdays, make a quick pit stop at the grocery store for veggies and hummus for a snack in the car. Keep an extra bag with workout clothes and sneakers in your trunk, that way if your daily workout routine gets disrupted you always have the option of refueling with a quick snack and then taking a brisk walk to get your heart rate up.
Know Your Options
There’s more than one way to stick to your health regimen. If it’s an unseasonably gorgeous day and you don’t want to stay inside at work then the gym, replace your normal workout with a run outside. Bored with your breakfast shake? Make a quick egg white omelet with veggies instead. Variety is key to keeping things interesting and delicious in your nutritional plan!
You don’t have the make the same choice constantly to make positive choices overall. Mixing things up can also help you keep progressing toward your goals. New workouts and different foods can keep you from plateauing while exploring different recipes can introduce you to new healthy favorites.
Planning for More Freedom
Planning more to create more freedom sounds counterintuitive but it works! By setting aside time to prep for the week ahead you make it easier to both stay on track and be flexible. Consider making a few healthy, freezable meals on Sundays. That way if you stay late at work or you score tickets for a weeknight event you have a healthy meal option ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Prepping easy-to-grab snacks to avoid plan deviations when you’re too exhausted to prepare something or too busy to find the time. Putting a baggie of steamed edamame at the front of your fridge or grabbing a hardboiled egg on your way out the door makes it easier to eat a healthy snack.
Your new health routine should follow a pattern. But finding freedom in that pattern is what transforms a diet into a new, healthy lifestyle.