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50 lbs lost
"That thing in the back of my mind that was dragging me is no longer there.

Before Weight

After Weight
Bill S.'s Story
The problem I had was getting up in the morning and looking myself in the mirror. I really wasn’t too happy with how I looked. I wanted to change that. I knew I needed an accountability partner. I wanted to feel mentally healthy and rebuild my self image. The most dramatic and surprising effect is what SlimGenics® did for me. You don’t really see the benefit until you’ve actually lost the weight. For myself, losing the weight, I really believe, has given me more energy and made me happier, so I’m not concerned about things in the background about my weight and my health. I’m much more healthy and can exercise much more. I can go mountain climbing, skiing, and do other things that I love to do. By losing the weight it gives me the ability in life to be more confident and do whatever I want!
*Individual results may vary. Participants who follow a reduced-calorie high-protein program like SlimGenics can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Program pricing, offers and duration may vary based on package purchased.