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33 lbs lost
"My whole family eats better and my children are learning a healthy lifestyle from the start!

Before Weight

After Weight
Jolene P.'s Story
I felt helpless. I thought I would never lose any of my baby weight and I just had to accept it. I felt frustrated because of thyroid problems that seemed to hinder my weight loss. I wanted a smaller clothing size and more confidence in my body; all while still being able to nurse my newborn son. With SlimGenics®, I was able to lose all of my weight by just changing my diet alone. I was amazed that I still lost weight even while not working out. Since losing my weight I feel empowered. My whole family eats more rounded and my children are learning a healthy lifestyle from the start. I can put on a pair of pants and not worry about how I look.
*Individual results may vary. Participants who follow a reduced-calorie high-protein program like SlimGenics can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Program pricing, offers and duration may vary based on package purchased.