Slim-Assist™ Calcium and Magnesium Supplement

Slim-Assist Calcium and Magnesium SupplementTM facilitates energy metabolism and supports the liver pathways of detoxification for more efficient weight loss. Slim-Assist also improves gut health, promotes better sleep, reduces plateaus and provides important electrolyte balance to help reduce water retention and inflammation. Calcium has been proven to detoxify fat-soluble toxins and promote heathy bone structure to help negate the effects of osteoporosis. Magnesium supports muscle and nervous system function and promotes healthy bowel movements by attracting water while in the intestine. The key ingredients in Slim-Assist work together to enhance weight loss, assist with regulating blood sugar levels, control appetite and improve the health and appearance of hair, skin and nails. This powdered nutritional supplement is easy to add to water or sprinkle over food. Lose more weight while treating your body to advanced vitamins and nutrients. Start taking Slim-Assist Today! Partner with Slim-Ensulate Fiber Supplement for increased benefits.

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