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lbs lost
"At 40, I’m looking better than ever! "
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Before Photo
Before Weight


Before Photo
After Weight


Heather W.'s Story

When I hit my goal weight it was days before my 40th birthday. I had been planning this with the counselor at the Center for months trying to make sure I could hit my goal weight before my birthday. They made sure that that would happen. Hitting your goal weight is such a victory, it’s almost indescribable! It feels like you’re dreaming but then to know that your efforts and hard work have actually paid off. All of the Program Advisors work with you and truly care about you. They really put in the time and effort so that it all came together. Nobody gave me false promises. The Program Advisors lived up to every promise they gave me. Even once I hit my goal they still worked with me to deal with those anxieties and go over my food journal. It’s just a phenomenal feeling.

*Individual results may vary. Participants who follow a reduced-calorie high-protein program like SlimGenics can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Program pricing, offers and duration may vary based on package purchased.

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